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Kresta in the Afternoon – July 26, 2023 – Hour 1

Bob Schuchts explores the healing power of Jesus and the sacraments. 


Conversion: Essential Encounters with God

What is Christian conversion? What leads a soul to return to God, reject sin and accept God’s Divine Mercy? And is there a “second conversion” that happens after the original decision to repent? We’ll look at the phenomenon of Christian conversion with Fr. Donald Haggerty.

Fr. Donald Haggerty is a priest of the Archdiocese of New York serving at St Patrick's Cathedral. He's the author of several books, most recently Saint John of the Cross: Master of Contemplation. His other books include Contemplative Enigmas: Insights and Aid on the Path to Deeper Prayer.

Encountering Christ’s Healing Love

Scripture and history are full of stories of people who experienced radical transformations after encountering the power of Christ’s healing love. And it’s encounters like this that can help transform our broken and suffering world. Bob Schuchts joins us to look at how we can find spiritual, emotional and physical healing through the power of the Holy Spirit and the Sacraments.

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John Paul II Healing Center 

Bob Schuchts is the bestselling author of Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in your Life and Be Transformed: The Healing Power of the Sacraments. He's the founder of the John Paull II Healing Center in Tallahassee, Florida and has volunteered in parish ministry for more than 30 years. Visit
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