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Charity Mobile Phone Service

Switch your phone service to Charity Mobile to help support Ave Maria Radio
By switching your telephone service to Charity Mobile, you can support Ave Maria Radio.  There are many plans available. Depending on the plan you choose, anywhere from 1/2% to 6% of your phone bill will be donated to Ave Maria Radio. Why do we partner with Charity Mobile?

•Charity Mobile is a Catholic owned and operated phone company.
•Charity Mobile does not support Planned Parenthood or other abortion providers.
•Charity Mobile regularly supports over 2000 catholic and pro-life organizations.
•Charity Mobile does not support the gay lifestyle or pornography.

Documentation shows that other phone providers have contributed to Planned Parenthood, the National Organization for Women and other anti-life organizations.  Charity Mobile will not contribute to these groups.

For more information,  call Charity Mobile toll-free at 1-877-474-3662 or visit the Charity Mobile website.  Please be sure to tell Charity Mobile that you want to support WDEO Radio-Ave Maria Radio Network – Ann Arbor, MI #1833.

Kroger Community Rewards Program

Makes donating easy
If you shop at Kroger, you can select Ave Maria Radio to be the recipient of your Community Rewards earnings.  The annual enrollment period is from April 1-30 for the May 1st through April 30th period. Kroger requires re-enrollment for this program each year.
For more information, please go to:, click on “Michigan” and click on “Enroll.”  All participants must have a valid online account at and must sign up online to participate.
The Ave Maria Radio Business Donor Directory is a resource supporting businesses that support Ave Maria Radio. Patron businesses with
like-minded values.