Check out the options below
Ave Maria Radio is a listener supported 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All rights reserved.

Credit Card
To Donate Online Now, please click this link. Ave Maria Radio accepts American Express, Visa, Mastercard and Discover. This link goes to our online donation page. Have questions? Contact Tony Gerring.

Electronic Funds Transfer
The Electronic Gift Transfer program works in cooperation with your credit union or bank, similar to automatic teller machines, direct deposit of payroll and other electronic banking services. The transaction is accomplished without paper handling. In addition to the convenience to you, this plan eliminates costs the Ave Maria Radio would otherwise spend on pledge reminders, postage and other administrative details. If you are interested in this program, please contact Tony Gerring.

Become a Sustaining Donor
Ave Maria Radio would like to invite you to become a member by making an ongoing, sustaining monthly pledge. Your gift will help to spread the Good News of Jesus and His Church to a world in need. You can make an ongoing, sustaining gift by visiting our Donate page at avemariaradio.net and selecting the recurring donation option or by contacting Tony Gerring.

Ave Maria Radio accepts American Express, Visa, Mastercard and Discover. Donations can be made with credit cards by contacting our Gift Processing Department at 734-930-4528.

If you wish to send a check or money order, simply complete the Printable Donation Form, make the payment out to Ave Maria Radio, and mail it to: Attn: Gift Processing | Ave Maria Radio | PO Box 504 | Ann Arbor, MI 48106

Day Sponsorship
By contributing $360 or more, Ave Maria Radio donors can become a Day Sponsor and can have a personal message broadcast on air on the date of their choice (provided that no other Day Sponsor has reserved that date). Your fifteen second message will be broadcast at least six times throughout the day you choose. We usually require a minimum of fourteen days for your message to be approved, produced and scheduled. All Day Sponsor messages are produced in-house by our staff. Only one script is allowed for each Day Sponsorship. After your Day Sponsorship is broadcast, you may request an audio copy, which can be emailed to you.
For more information or to set up your Day Sponsorship, contact Tony Gerring.

Ave Maria Radio has partnered with Vehicles For Charity to process donated vehicles. Please call 1-866-628-2277 with any questions you may have and to make arrangements to donate your vehicle. If you wish to donate a vehicle using an online option, please click here. For additional information, please click this link to learn more about donating your vehicle.

Planned Giving
We invite you to become a partner with Ave Maria Radio as we strive to fulfill our mission on the airwaves. Your financial support will make it possible for us to continue to demonstrate the good news that Jesus is Lord over all areas of life. One way you can become a partner with Ave Maria Radio is through Planned Gifts. These gift options can be a powerful element of your wealth management strategy or estate planning process. Several Planned Gifts can also be arranged to benefit Ave Maria Radio while providing life income sources for you, your spouse or other family members. For more information, please click on our Planned Giving Questions and Answers to help you determine whether or not you should consider a planned gift to Ave Maria Radio.
If you would like to set up a Planned Gift with Ave Maria Radio, please contact Tony Gerring.

Stock Gifts
If you would like to make a donation of stock to Ave Maria Radio from your investment portfolio instead of cash, your tax benefits from the donation can be increased due to the fact that you will avoid paying taxes on any gain in the value of the stock. Thus, you will receive both a charitable deduction and avoid paying taxes on the appreciation in value of the stock you donate. If you are interested in making a donation of stock to Ave Maria Radio, please contact Tony Gerring.

Life Insurance
A properly structured life insurance policy will allow your money to grow tax free and the death benefit will be transferred to Ave Maria Radio. Upon your death, your estate will receive a charitable deduction for the amount of the proceeds donated to Ave Maria Radio. If you already own a policy, you may also assign the ownership from yourself to Ave Maria Radio. If you live more three years past the date you reassign the policy, the proceeds will not be included in your gross estate. If you do transfer a policy to Ave Maria Radio before your death, you will also get an income tax deduction in the year you make the transfer.
For more information or to set up a Life Insurance donation, please contact Tony Gerring.

Gifts in Kind
Donations of goods and services can be extremely valuable to Ave Maria Radio. This type of charitable donation can be made by individuals or organizations and can include anything from an automobile, to food, books, printer paper, gift items, or printing or consulting services. If you are interested in donating gifts in kind, please contact Tony Gerring.

Matching Gifts
Your gift to Ave Maria Radio may be matched by your employer if it maintains a Corporate Matching Gift Program or a Corporate Foundation with a Matching Funds Program. For more information, or to see if your employer participates, please contact Tony Gerring.

Challenge Club
St Michael’s Challenge Club pledges (challenges) are often the inspiration for another person’s pledge, since their pledge will be matched. The Challenge Club supports Ave Maria Radio’s mission. Build the Church. Bless the Nations. Together we can make an impact for Christ, because He is our hope.
Make your pledge and name your title!
- Enclose a gift of $500 or more
- In Honor of________
- St. Michael Archangel Challenge
- In Memory of_____
- Name or Select your Challenge
For more information, please contact Tony Gerring.
“We thank you for your continued support of Ave Maria Radio. Without your support, Ave Maria Radio and the things that matter most, would not be heard. The multiple platforms on which you connect to us, would not be possible. We need you now, more than ever, to keep showing a watching world the Resurrected Christ at work.”
– Al Kresta –