“We must therefore make sure that in the hands of the new apostles, the means of social communication, particularly radio and television because of their enormous influence on the masses, become a valuable tool for the evangelization. In this area, lay people are called to play a most important role.”
Pope John Paul II, Perseverence in Mission, May 17, 1995
Each year, over two hundred volunteers assist Ave Maria Radio in its mission in support of the New Evangelization. Volunteers provide much needed assistance during the on-air pledge drives by answering phones and providing data entry services.
In addition, volunteers also assist with data entry and mailing services throughout the year, including our monthly pledge reminder mailing. Volunteers also assist with various special events as ushers, greeters, or by manning our promotional tables.
Volunteers also have the opportunity to attend daily Mass at the nearby chapel in Domino’s Farms, located just down the hall from our office, and also can visit the Catholic bookstore, Our Lady of Grace, located just across the hall.