Vanessa Denha Garmo’s 20 Lessons she Learned During 20 years of Marriage

- Center your marriage on Christ by praying daily together.
- Fr. Patrick Peyton’s famous quote “Families that pray together, Stay Together or Couples that Pray Together, Stay Together.”
- Love is not a feeling, it’s a decision to love your spouse every day. Make that decision to love each other.
- What you find quirky or slightly irritating, will bug you tenfold years into the marriage. Learn to accept the things that bug you.
- Communication is key which means listening more than speaking. Understand how your spouse receives information.
- Be united on decisions as it relates to raising the kids. Don’t let kids divide and conquer.
- Take time out for date night or for a weekly lunch date. You need to work on the marriage and stay connected regularly.
- Don’t’ take yourself so seriously -laugh at the little things.
- Find joy daily. Joy is found in Christ.
- Surround yourself with like-minded couples grounded in faith and raising kids alike.
- Engage both sides of the family and expose your kids to extended family. Grandparents play a vital role in a child’s life.
- Set healthy boundaries with family. Your marriage is between the two of you and God. Don’t allow parents or siblings to interfere in your marriage.
- Read faith-based books together.
- Cook dinner together. It can be fun.
- Exercise together or go for long walks.
- Share your fears, triumphs, and joys.
- Let your spouse know when you want advice and when you just want a listening ear.
- Get on the same page when it comes to finances, spending money, retirement, raising kids, family vacations, etc.
- Write yearly goals together and evaluate progress throughout the year
- There is no shame in getting support from other couples or experts when needed.
- Forgive each other, and don’t hold grudges.
This article was really helpful, thanks for writing it.