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Vanessa Denha Garmo’s 20 Lessons she Learned During 20 years of Marriage

  1. Center your marriage on Christ by praying daily together.
    1. Fr. Patrick Peyton’s famous quote “Families that pray together, Stay Together or Couples that Pray Together, Stay Together.”
  2. Love is not a feeling, it’s a decision to love your spouse every day. Make that decision to love each other.
  3. What you find quirky or slightly irritating, will bug you tenfold years into the marriage. Learn to accept the things that bug you.
  4. Communication is key which means listening more than speaking. Understand how your spouse receives information.
  5. Be united on decisions as it relates to raising the kids. Don’t let kids divide and conquer.
  6. Take time out for date night or for a weekly lunch date. You need to work on the marriage and stay connected regularly.
  7. Don’t’ take yourself so seriously -laugh at the little things.
  8. Find joy daily. Joy is found in Christ.
  9. Surround yourself with like-minded couples grounded in faith and raising kids alike.
  10. Engage both sides of the family and expose your kids to extended family. Grandparents play a vital role in a child’s life.
  11. Set healthy boundaries with family. Your marriage is between the two of you and God. Don’t allow parents or siblings to interfere in your marriage.
  12. Read faith-based books together.
  13. Cook dinner together. It can be fun.
  14. Exercise together or go for long walks.
  15. Share your fears, triumphs, and joys.
  16. Let your spouse know when you want advice and when you just want a listening ear.
  17. Get on the same page when it comes to finances, spending money, retirement, raising kids, family vacations, etc.
  18. Write yearly goals together and evaluate progress throughout the year
  19. There is no shame in getting support from other couples or experts when needed.
  20. Forgive each other, and don’t hold grudges.
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4 months ago

This article was really helpful, thanks for writing it.

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