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Valentine’s Day and Ash Wednesday Collide: When Cupid Meets Lent

It’s almost that favorite feast day, when love is in the air, red heart-shaped boxes line the shelves from grocery stores to gas stations, and Catholics remember the great devotion of St. Valentine as we shower our spouses or significant others with heartfelt cards and flowers, hoping to score a seat at a romantic restaurant.

But this year, Ash Wednesday lands smack-dab right on the calendar at Feb. 14. Ash Wednesday, when we remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return, kicks off the season of Lent, a period of penance, abstinence and fasting.

There’s nothing romantic about Ash Wednesday — or is there?

What is a Catholic to do? Is it a time of choosing or is there a way to celebrate both in a creative and holy way?

Dominican Father Thomas Petri at the Dominican House of Studies gave pastoral guidance to the Register: “A nice romantic meal is certainly contrary to a spirit of fasting for the day.”

He also offered this advice:

“Make the best of Tuesday — a Mardi Gras Valentine! Couples can then grow closer on Ash Wednesday by growing closer to Jesus Christ — who suffered and died for us.”

Taking to the virtual streets, we asked some of our favorite Catholic couples how they plan to mark the day, and their answers did not disappoint!


“Lent is like date night in marriage. You’re always married, but if you’re never extra intentional about the relationship, it will die. So it is with God, and that’s what Lent is about: a time of next-level focus and intentionality with God.”

— Chris Stefanick of Real Life Catholic

Read more at National Catholic Register 

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