US Bishops Launch Mental Health Campaign With Special Novena, Discussions
The United States Catholic Conference of Bishops (USCCB) has announced the launch of a National Catholic Mental Health Campaign beginning Oct. 10, which is World Mental Health Day. The goal of the campaign is to raise awareness of mental health issues, help remove the stigma surrounding mental illness, and encourage those suffering to seek help.
Archbishop Borys Gudziak, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, and Bishop Robert Barron, chairman of the USCCB Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life, and Youth, wrote in a statement on behalf of the USCCB: “Despite its ubiquity, mental illness and mental health challenges often remain associated with embarrassment, shame, or guilt, which can prevent people from seeking and receiving help.”
“Such a stigma contradicts the compassion of Jesus and is contrary to the foundation of Catholic social teaching,” the bishops added. “As pastors, we want to emphasize this point to anyone who is suffering from mental illness or facing mental health challenges: Nobody and nothing can alter or diminish your God-given dignity.”
The campaign will begin with three major components: a novena, virtual roundtables, and advocacy for more resources “so that everyone who needs help can get help.”
The Novena for Mental Health, which starts on Oct. 10, is offered “in solidarity with those suffering from mental health challenges as well as health care professionals, family, and friends who are caring for people in need.”
The novena has a “Pray, Learn, Act” structure that, the bishops hope, will inspire more prayer, reflection, and action that can be taken to address the challenges associated with mental health.
Additionally, each day of the novena includes a reflection on a different theme related to mental health, such as removing stigmas, poverty, and suicide awareness; or a specific population affected by mental health challenges, such as families, children, and young adults.
The complete novena can be found here.