Kresta in the Afternoon – September 4, 2023 – Hour 1
Happy Labor Day! Donna Marie Cooper-O’Boyle has advice for reclaiming Sunday as a day of rest and Dan Weingartz discusses incorporating faith and business.
Happy Labor Day! Donna Marie Cooper-O’Boyle has advice for reclaiming Sunday as a day of rest and Dan Weingartz discusses incorporating faith and business.
Happy Labor Day! Donna David Bahnsen discusses economic truths such as “There’s No Free Lunch” and Andreas Widmer presents Five Pillars of Principled Entrepreneurship.
Al disucsses the complicated faith life of Elvis Presley, and Sam Gregg asks why some conservatives reject classical liberalism.
Christy Wilkens shares how she encountered an unexpected healing at Lourdes.
Joan Lewis shares memories of her friend Cardinal George Pell and Stan Butt connects Scripture to the classic story of Les Miserables.
Stephen White compares the prevalence of sex abuse cases in the Church to Chicago schools and Paul Kengor looks at what Fulton Sheen said about Communism. Also, Louis Brown of CMF Curo shares some updates about healthcare.
Will all people eventually be saved? Al discusses how to respond to this false teaching and we talk with Frank Beckwith about living as a Catholic during political tribalism.
Cardinal George Pell died of a heart attack last night at age 81. We revisit our conversation with him about his time in prison and his thoughts on the state of the Church.
Jake and Heather Khym of Life Restoration Ministries discuss finding complete healing in Jesus.
We continue our discussion with Jake and Heather Khym, and Fr. Wade Menezes discusses the Four Last Things.