Surrender to God’s Will This Advent

Constance Hull
The word that keeps coming to mind during this Advent season is surrender. It has been a difficult year. There has been much illness, death, uncertainty, isolation, and unrest. People have lost loved ones and livelihoods. As we begin our journey to the cold silent cave that will hold our Savior on Christmas, we take with us our own nothingness. We can only truly approach Him if we surrender everything to Him.
Much will be asked of us in the coming weeks as we approach the Christmas season. Many people will be unable to see vulnerable family members to celebrate the holidays, some will die, and others will lie alone sick in hospital beds. There are already quarantines and lockdowns increasing across the country and in other nations. My own family had a close call for my immunocompromised husband near Halloween and had to spend 14 days in quarantine. A close friend of mine is in quarantine after close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19, which led to her having to cancel Thanksgiving plans with family.
This is the reality we face as we approach Christmas in a year that has contained much darkness. Sacrifices will be asked of us that we didn’t expect or want to make. How we prepare spiritually now for these possibilities and for disappointments during the Christmas season will determine whether we are free to enter the light of Christmas, regardless of our circumstances. We must surrender everything to Christ now.
Read more at Catholic Exchange