Planned Giving
We invite you to become a partner with Ave Maria Radio as we strive to fulfill our mission on the airwaves. Your financial support will make it possible for us to continue to demonstrate the good news that Jesus is Lord over all areas of life.
One way you can become a partner with Ave Maria Radio is through Planned Gifts. These gift options can be a powerful element of your wealth management strategy or estate planning process. Several Planned Gifts can also be arranged to benefit Ave Maria Radio while providing life income sources for you, your spouse or other family members.
Planned Giving Questions and Answers
Planned giving provides you with creative ways of giving that may also help you meet your other financial objectives. Planned gifts can reduce current income taxes through a charitable deduction, increase retirement income through a retained income stream, and address your financial obligations while providing assistance to Ave Maria Radio.
The Planned Giving Questions and Answers that follow will provide you with essential information to help you determine whether or not you should consider a planned gift to Ave Maria Radio.
For additional information, please consult with your financial advisor.
Ave Maria Radio is not engaged in rendering legal or tax advisory service. There are dozens of planned giving arrangements available. The few examples listed above are intended to provide useful information of a general character only. For advice and assistance in specific cases, the services of a qualified financial advisor or attorney should be obtained. State law governs wills, trusts, and estates and charitable gifts made in a contractual agreement. Advice from legal counsel should be sought when considering these types of contracts.
What Exactly is “Planned Giving?”
All charitable gifts are planned to some extent, but “planned giving,” or as it is sometimes called “charitable gift planning”, refers to the process of making a charitable gift of one’s estate assets to a nonprofit organization such as a charity or educational institution, that requires careful consideration and planning in light of the donor’s overall financial and estate plan.
Planned giving used to be referred to as “deferred giving” because planned gifts are usually deferred, meaning they are arranged now and fulfilled later. For example, a person could include a provision in his or her will to make a bequest to Ave Maria Radio. That arrangement would be considered a “planned” gift.
Why Should You Consider a Bequest Gift Through Your Will?
For some donors, giving to Ave Maria Radio through their will is an excellent way of leaving a lasting legacy of Christian stewardship that benefits Catholic radio and the whole Catholic Church. It can also benefit the donor’s estate as well by reducing the size of the taxable estate. And setting up a bequest gift is fairly simple. A donor can make a bequest by including the following language in their will:
“I give, devise and bequeath to Ave Maria Communications (EIN: 38-3263675), PO Box 504, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, all (or you may state a percentage or exact amount) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate, both real and personal, to be held, administered, and used by the Board of Directors for the unrestricted support of Ave Maria Communications.”
- Specific Amount – You can name a specific amount to give to Ave Maria. Your gift can consist of cash, securities, real or personal property – anything from land to jewelry to an art collection.
- Percentage – You can name a percentage of your estate as a gift. The size of your estate may change from the time you make your will and the time of your death, so giving a percentage may be more beneficial than giving a specific amount.
The method you choose to make your gift should be designed so that you and your heirs can reap the greatest benefits. Some of your options include:
- Residuary Gifts – Take care of your loved ones first. After all of their needs are met, give the rest (residue) of your estate to Ave Maria Communications.
- Contingency Gifts – Name a primary recipient of your estate, such as your spouse, and name Ave Maria Communications as secondary beneficiary. If your spouse does not survive you, AMC receives your estate, avoiding the possibility that it will be distributed in an arbitrary fashion by the state in which you reside. You may also name any number of direct beneficiaries to your estate and name Ave Maria Communications as the final contingent beneficiary. If the other beneficiaries do not survive you, your estate passes to Ave Maria Communications. Without this protection, the government could inherit your estate in the absence of other heirs.
For more information, please contact:
Tony Gerring
Director of Advancement Services
Ave Maria Radio
PO Box 504
Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Phone: (734) 930-4528