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AMPM | Al Kresta |
“I dropped to my knees and prayed: ‘Lord, I give up. Whatever you want me to do, you’re the boss now.’ —Chris Godfrey, New York Giants offensive lineman, Super Bowl XXI Champion team
“During the start of my second prison sentence, I was in solitary confinement, utterly alone and still claiming to myself that I was anti-Catholic.” —Joseph Pearce, author, The Quest for Shakespeare
“My whole adult life had been premised on the claim that I was in charge of everything. That’s what made infertility a deeply spiritual experience.” —Jennifer Roback Morse, research fellow, Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
“I was in a lot of pain. Pornography was the cause, but I didn’t know how to break free of its grip.” —Kenneth Henderson, founder, True Knights International Apostolate
God isn’t content to remain at a distance from us. As these stories reveal, God is on the street, at our side, ready to step in, hoping to be invited. For Moments of Grace, Catholic radio host Al Kresta conducted interviews with well-known Catholics, asking them to identify a particular event when God broke through to them. Sometimes God showed up in surprising ways, sometimes in the slow unfolding of a situation, but he always showed up. These moving, personal stories will encourage you to recognize that God will always be there for you as well.
AMPM | Al Kresta |