It is well known that on December 12, 1999, Pope St. John Paul II proclaimed Our Lady of Guadalupe to be Patroness of the Americas. Less well known is the fact that our Lord’s holy mother Mary, under the title of the Immaculate Conception, had been recognized as Patroness of the United States since 1846. Under a variety of titles, she is the sole patroness of all fifty states, with the exception of Colorado (which names St. Francis of Assisi as co-patron).

As millions of Americans head to their polling places and cast their votes on this Election Day 2020—a year so fraught with division, fear, illness, and troubled communications—we offer this litany to Mary. We invite you to pray with us, in the hope that our decisions are guided by wisdom and truth, and that the intercessory prayers of the Mother of God—who brings our needs to Christ as she brought the needs of the newlyweds to him at Cana—may soothe our hopes, protect our processes, and help to speed the purposes of God which, St. Philip Neri reminds us, always work toward our good.

May the prayers and good intentions of Christians the world over, joined to the intercessory prayers of the Theotokos, the God-bearer, whose fiat began the whole pageant of our salvation, this day deliver unto us God’s peace, beyond all understanding. And may that peace last throughout the coming year.

Read more at Word on Fire

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