The season of Lent is the time to get our spiritual house in order. I think of it as a spring cleaning of the heart, mind, and soul; a time to clear away the clutter of temptation, doubt, and confusion to make a proper dwelling place for our Lord. While we may not look forward to cleaning house, we look forward to the end result of being refreshed and renewed.

This period of cleansing through the practice of penance also reminds us of what we should be doing every day. Which is to deepen our commitment to God by actively participating in our Lord’s work of redemption through our faith, hope, and love. In other words, focus on living less for ourselves and more for God so that our Lord, by way of the Holy Spirit, can live within us and through us each day, enabling us to experience and share the joy of salvation!

Open to God’s Grace

To keep our spiritual house in order, we need help. We need the grace of God, otherwise we easily fall into disarray. Remember Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Temptation stirred up confusion and doubt. Instead of relying on God’s loving help, they fell to the devil’s manipulation. How willing are we to fully accept and rely on God’s grace? That is something to ponder.

For guidance, let us turn to the one human being who was born without sin, filled with grace, and fervently committed to God. The “house” of the Blessed Virgin Mary was truly in order and open to accept all that God had to give. The grace and love of God protected Mary, clearing away any speck of hesitation, confusion, or doubt from entering her body and soul.

Read more at Catholic Exchange. 


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