We find Mary throughout the Gospel of Luke contemplating the birth and childhood of Jesus. When the shepherds tell her about the angels’ Gloria in Excelsis Deo, she keeps this incident in her heart and meditates on it.

She does the same thing after finding the twelve-year-old Jesus in the temple, who was discussing profound religious matters with the teachers there. The Church may have received the Rosary in its present form from St. Dominic in 1214, who, in turn, received it from Our Lady, but the Mother of God was pondering and participating in the Joyful Mysteries from the very beginning.

In fact, it is not a stretch to see a thread running through the Scriptures of her beholding and adoring her Son. The bitterness at the foot of the cross is followed, 40 days later, by the sweetness of Pentecost, and that sweet contemplation extends now into eternity with the Beatific Vision and her role as the Queen of Heaven.

Mary fulfilled what is written in the CCC #2715: “Contemplation is a gaze of faith. ‘I look at him and he looks at me.’: this is what a certain peasant of Ars in the time of the holy cure used to say while praying before the tabernacle.”

I hear stalwart Catholics lament the ineffectiveness of the American Catholic Church in reaching our nation’s youth, but, even with the ones who do convert, there is the problem of them being easily distracted and having short attention spans. This is rooted in their exposure to internet and digital technologies and entertainment like MTV.

Read more at Catholic Exchange

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