Link(s): Food for the Journey Audio ArchiveThe Servants of God's LoveRenewal Ministries


Sister Ann Shields, S.G.L., is a noted speaker and author whose activities as an internationally known evangelist have taken her to Eastern Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, Central America, Israel, the Philippines, and the British Isles, as well as numerous cities in the United States and Canada.

Based in Ann Arbor, Sr. Ann is a member of the Servants of God’s Love, a charismatic religious community canonically established in the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan.

Sr. Ann served in higher education for eighteen years as an English instructor and as head of college campus ministry.  She is currently the host of a daily radio program, Food for the Journey.

A frequent speaker at national and international conferences, Sr. Ann Shields has authored Pray and Never Lose Heart, What Am I Living For?, Yielding to the Power of God, Fire in My Heart, God Answers Prayer, God’s Severe Mercy: The Signs of the Times, and has co-authored And Their Eyes Were Opened: Encountering Jesus in the Sacraments with Fr. Michael Scanlan, T.O.R.