Pope Saint John Paul II’s Letter to Women
I greet you all most cordially, women throughout the world! 1. I am writing this letter to each one of you as a sign of solidarity and gratitude on the eve of the Fourth World Conference on Women, to be held in Beijing this coming September. Before all else, I wish to express my deep... Read more -
Mother Angelica: A female powerhouse in a supposedly sexist Church
Birmingham, Ala., Mar 27, 2017 / 04:01 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- It was September 1987, and Pope John Paul II had just arrived in Los Angeles after traveling around the United States. The Pope was greeted in the City of Angels by a closed-door meeting with a group of progressive bishops who had a... Read more -
Everything The Women’s March Movement Wants You To Believe About It Is A Lie
In January, it was a march. In February, it’s become a movement: a developing, inelegant phenomenon quivering with the latent energy of a post-march high. The covers of Time and the New Yorker recently featured a certain cat-eared pink hat. Organizers have developed 10 action steps for... Read more -
Two Big Things Feminism Gets Wrong
Feminists are feeling sad and unloved. The world doesn’t seem to like them anymore, and they don’t know why. Of course, every good feminist expects to be scorned by boorish, misogynist men. But now even women are turning on them, which from a feminist’s perspective is just obtuse. Do... Read more