Malta Minute with the Catechism: Deliver Us From Evil

  • Program #: 254
  • Description: When we ask God our Father to deliver us from evil, are we referring to an idea or a person? We are not referring to an abstraction, says the Catholic Catechism. We are referring to a person; the evil one, Satan, the fallen angel who throws himself across God’s plan of salvation accomplished in Christ. Jesus labeled Satan a murderer, a liar and the father of lies. We do not pray alone. We pray in communion with the Church for the whole human family. Our interdependence in the drama of sin and death is turned into solidarity in the Body of Christ, the Communion of Saints. If one entrusts himself to God, one does not dread the devil. Victory over Satan the prince of the world was attained once and for all when Jesus freely gave Himself over to death in order to give us His life. future. This is Peggy Stanton and this has been the Order of Malta’s Minute with the Catechism.

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