Kresta in the Afternoon – June 21, 2017 – Hour 1

+  Religious Liberty: The Dawn of the First Amendment

  • Description: Recent federal statutes threaten to undermine religious liberty in the US. John Pinheiro joins us to explore the history leading up to and immediately after the First Amendment and how its religious liberty clauses affected the course of US history.
  • Segment Guests:
    • Dr. John Pinheiro
      John Pinheiro is Professor of History and Founding Director of Catholic Studies at Aquinas College.

+  The Sexual State, the Culture of Death and the Ideologies of Gender and Divorce

  • Description: We’ll talk with Jennifer Roback-Morse about the role the Sexual State has played in creating a culture that is so hostile to life and family. We’ll explore the Culture of Death’s attack on Freedom, the problems with gender ideology, the meaning of divorce ideology and more.
  • Segment Guests:
    • Jennifer Roback-Morse
      Jennifer Roback Morse is the Founder and President of the Ruth Institute. She’s the author of Smart Sex: Finding Lifelong Love in a Hookup World and other books.

+  The Sanctification of Work

  • Description: St. Josemaria Escriva taught that even the most menial tasks can become a pathway to sanctity. It’s a matter of corresponding to God’s grace with a gift of self. He wrote, “Before God, everything gains the value of the Love with which it is done.” We’ll explore this sanctification of work with Max Torres.
  • Segment Guests:
    • Dr. Max Torres
      Dr. Max Torres is the inaugural Centesimus Annus Della Ratta family endowed professor at the Catholic University of America’s School of Business and Economics.

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