Epiphany – October 2, 2020
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• Current: AOD Cultural & Black Catholic Ministries • Member, Corpus Christi Parish – Finance Council and Faith Formation • Graduate, Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Master of Arts Pastoral Ministry • Love to watch cooking shows; love to go consignment / thrift store shopping
Barbara Brish is the Principal at Divine Mercy Academy. Barbara brings to the position 30 plus years’ experience in public education as a school psychologist, special education director, university adjunct professor, and advocate. Barbara holds multiple degrees and certificates: Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice, Master Degrees in Psychology, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Industrial Relations, a Specialist Degree in School Psychology, Certification in Special Education Administration/Central Office Administration and the Interdisciplinary Certificate in Autism. As a special education director, Barbara’s responsibilities included administering the district’s special education program along with directing three county center based programs including the program for children with autism, visual impairments and severe multiple impairments. Barbara’s passion for helping all children has become the foundation for The Divine Mercy Academy.
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Listening for God: Discovering the Incredible Ways God Speaks to Us
Available November 19 We all long to know the will of God in our lives, to obtain answers to our prayers, and to receive tangible evidence of the personal care of our heavenly Father. We deeply desire to hear His voice. And here s the good news: God is not silent. He is constantly reaching out to each of us. Often His voice is quiet and can be heard only in prayer. He frequently breaks into our lives with timely remedies, miraculous encounters, and surprising circumstances that can be explained only by the reality of a loving and caring God. Popular Catholic author and radio host Teresa Tomeo has gathered an inspiring collection of such Godcidences from her life, as well as personal stories from a variety of Catholics including broadcasters Joan Lewis, Al Kresta, Steve Ray, and authors Greg and Julie Alexander of the unmistakable ways God has spoken to them. In these pages, you ll read about ordinary and extraordinary come-to-Jesus moments, such as:
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