Catholic Connection – September 11, 2017 – Hour 2
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Bob Rowe was born in Battle Creek, Michigan which started his career singing in local clubs and coffee houses, in Chicago, Detroit, New York, Milwaukee, and other cities throughout the United States and Canada. Bob’s Catholic heritage and belief in the dignity of human life inspired him with the utmost commitment to bringing joy and love to the elderly and forgotten and to go beyond the boundaries of pure entertainment. Thus, the mission of Renaissance flourished with support and encouragement from Dr. Buscaglia, Mother Teresa, and many foundations and contributors.
Steve is a convert to the Catholic faith and a popular author, speaker, and pilgrimage leader. He has been to the Holy Land over 100 times exploring, filming, and leading thousands of pilgrims. Steve is a regular guest on Catholic radio and TV including Catholic Answers, Ave Maria Radio, and EWTN.
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