Catholic Connection – August 15, 2019 – Hour 2

+  Teresa's Two Cents

  • Description: "Building A Culture of Religious Freedom" by Archbishop Chaput (Originally aired July 12, 2019)
  • Segment Guests:

+  Feast of the Assumption

  • Description: Originally aired August 12, 2019
  • Segment Guests:
    • Steve Ray

      Steve is a convert to the Catholic faith and a popular author, speaker, and pilgrimage leader. He has been to the Holy Land over 100 times exploring, filming, and leading thousands of pilgrims. Steve is a regular guest on Catholic radio and TV including Catholic Answers, Ave Maria Radio, and EWTN. He writes Bible Studies for Catholic Scripture Study International.

    • Resources:

+  Feast of the Assumption

  • Description: Steve Ray continued

+  Adoring the Eucharist at Faithful Catholic Colleges

  • Description: The latest Pew Research study shows that only 26% of U.S. Catholics under the age of 40 believe that Jesus Christ is truly present in the most Holy Eucharist. If we’re looking for hope for the future, we can see how the Eucharist is adored at faithful Catholic colleges. (Originally aired August 12, 2019)
  • Segment Guests:

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