“No one could be more convinced of the importance of Catholic radio—especially Ave Maria Radio—than myself. Through the generosity and zeal of the laity everywhere, it has grown. Ave Maria Radio is a flagship in this great new endeavor.”
—Fr. Benedict J. Groeschel, CFR
“The inventor of radio and devout Catholic, Guglielmo Marconi, pulled the switch at Radio Vatican in 1931, launching the first radio broadcast in history. Since then, the Church has utilized this and all other worthy means of social communications to engage in her work of spreading the Gospel. Ave Maria Radio has been an integral part of that chain of evangelization for more than a decade. I am always pleased to assist this apostolate in any way possible as it endeavors to present the truth of Christ and His Church with fidelity and the professionalism which God’s Word deserves.”
—Rev. Peter M. J. Stravinskas, Ph.D., S.T.D. Editor & Publisher, The Catholic Response
“There is no doubt that WDEO is a fantastic tool of evangelization for non Catholics and of education for Catholics. I am especially inspired by Riccardo and Guarendi and informed by the news analysis of Kresta and Tomeo.”
—Janet Smith, Professor of Moral Theology, Sacred Heart Major Seminary
“Catholics who think they can get all the news they need by accessing the conventional media outlets are kidding themselves. Listening to Ave Maria Radio is a must. It fills the void.”
—Bill Donohue, President, Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
“To believe, we need to hear (see Rom 10:14). Such is the noble mission of Catholic Radio, to provide that voice which calls for faith. Thanks, Ave Maria Radio, for speaking clearly in our De- troit area.”
—Most Rev. Earl Boyea, Bishop of Lansing, Michigan
“Ave Maria Radio is the most innovative Catholic radio voice today. Its impact is felt not only in the Roman Catholic community but across denominational lines throughout all of religious broadcasting. It is a force for Christian unity and cooperation.”
—Gary Bauer, Founder & President, American Values
“Catholic radio, and Ave Maria Radio in particular, have been of immense help in strengthening the Catholic community in our life of holiness and mission. I am grateful!”
—Ralph Martin, Director Graduate Theology Programs in the New Evangelization, Sacred Heart Major Seminary
“Ave Maria Radio helps to clarify complex issues that have profound moral implications, especially those in the areas of health and science. It would be hard to identify any other authoritative media source that touches as many people so directly and effectively.”
—Dr. John M. Haas, President, National Catholic Bioethics Center
“I fondly recall my very first interview on Ave Maria Radio, back in 2001. The subject was my first book, Love and Economics. Al Kresta was by far, the most intelligent and thoughtful interviewer I had in all the many interviews I gave for that book. He had read the book, understood it, and asked the best questions.”
—Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., Catholic Author/Scholar/Commentator, Advocate for Traditional Marriage
“Catholic radio is a valuable resource in today’s media-saturated culture. It provides a haven for all people to be encouraged by the Good News of our faith each hour of each day. It supports the growth of strong families and strong vocations with programming designed to build up the Church through prayer, catechesis and faith-based everyday advice. It is a blessing to have Ave Maria Radio broadcasting across the airwaves of the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw.”
—Most Rev. Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis, Missouri
“Ave Maria Radio is one of the few news outlets that has the courage to explore the almost completely ignored but crucial question of the ideology and beliefs of Islamic jihadists, what motivates them, and how their challenge to Judeo-Christian civilization can be met most effectively. While most of its peers take refuge in politically correct cliches, Ave Maria Radio fearlessly seeks out and broadcasts the truth—the whole truth, and nothing but. The voice of Ave Maria Radio is increasingly indispensable in this age of ever-increasing chill on our right to free speech.”
— Robert Spencer, Author of New York Times Bestsellers: The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and The Truth About Muhamad
“Serious Catholics want to hear serious issues discussed in a serious way. When it comes to issues of faith and morals Ave Maria Radio is the place to tune in.”