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Notre Dame cathedral spire to be unveiled nearly 5 years after devastating fire

The unveiling process for the newly rebuilt spire of Paris’ legendary Notre Dame Cathedral began this week, with the process expected to be completed in time for the 2024 Paris Olympics in July.

Deconstruction of the scaffolding surrounding the spire — which reaches 330 feet in height — will take several months, the restoration authority, Etablissement Public, told AFP News Agency. The spire’s new cross was mounted on Dec. 6, 2023, and on Dec. 16 a golden rooster — a symbol of France — was blessed and added, replacing one that was destroyed in the fire.

The cathedral has been closed ever since a devastating fire April 15, 2019, saw the spire crash through the centuries-old timber roof. Major religious and artistic treasures of the cathedral were removed as the fire began, including a relic of Christ’s crown of thorns. Authorities have not yet found any evidence that the blaze was not an accident, with an initial investigation conducted in the months after the fire concluding it may have been caused by an electrical malfunction.

Almost immediately after the disaster, debate began as to whether the cathedral would be restored as it looked before the fire or if it would be updated with modern architectural designs and flourishes atop the ancient portion of the church. The French Parliament subsequently enacted a law mandating that the reconstruction must “preserve the historic, artistic, and architectural interest” of the original structure.

Read more at Catholic News Agency 

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