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More2Life: August 24, 2021: People Pleaser

DescriptionDo you take too much responsibility for other people’s feelings and reactions? We’ll help you shore up your mental boundaries.  Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body. It is the life you were meant to live! To make a telecounseling appoint with Dr. Greg or one of his associates, call 740-266-6461.

Guest: Dr. Joseph White

Dr. Joseph White converted to the Catholic Faith while in graduate school at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he received a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. He later studied Catholic Theology at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio.

Dr. White is a child and family psychologist and Director of Catechetical Resources for OSV Publishing. He has written twelve books and numerous articles about catechesis, Catholic education, and ministry. A popular guest on Catholic radio and television. He is the author of several books including A Catholic Parent’s Toolbox

For more information on Dr. White check out:

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