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More2Life: April 10, 2024: Team Work Makes the Dream Work






Description: Do you feel like you’re struggling to get the help you need from the people in your life? We’ll help you get the support and peace you need! Dr. Greg and Lisa will help you solve your problems with relevant, relatable and achievable tools and solutions straight from the genius of the Theology of the Body. It is the life you were meant to live! To make a telecounseling appoint with Dr. Greg or one of his associates, call 800-274-4658.

Guest: Bill Donaghy


Having worked in mission, evangelization, and education since the early 1990s, Bill joined faculty of the TOB Institute in 2010 and became a full-time member of the team as content specialist in 2013. With a background in visual arts, philosophy, and systematic theology, he has given talks and retreats to bishops, priests, deacons, religious, and the lay faithful throughout the country and internationally. Bill is the co-author with Chris Stefanick of the popular program RISE: 30 Day Challenge for Men and is a proud husband and father of four.

For more information on Bill and the TOB Institute visit:





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