Sister Sarah Burdick, S.G.L., Co-Host of Notes From Above, is an evangelist who has ministered to many people at missionary rallies in Eastern Europe and Africa She is the Director of Formation for the Servants of God’s Love, a religious community canonically established in the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan.
Sister Sarah has a B.S. in Education from The University of Michigan and an M.A. in Theology from Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit. Sister Sarah has worked with youth in many different capacities over the last twenty years. She taught middle school for ten years; she has helped direct youth camps; and has done college campus ministry at The University of Michigan and Eastern Michigan University.
She is presently the head of the theology department at Fr. Gabriel Richard High School in Ann Arbor, Michigan, where she also teaches. Sister Sarah has also been a guest speaker at the Youth Conferences and Leaders’ Conference at Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio.
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Deacon Tom Loewe, Co-Host of Notes From Above, is an ordained deacon with the Diocese of Lansing, Michigan.  Prior to coming to Ave Maria Radio, he worked as a Public Relations director for the University of Michigan’s School of Music with a special focus on the performing arts (opera, dance, musical theater and theater).
Tom currently sits on the Board of Directors of the Catholic Urban Project and has been a board member for several arts and civic organizations including the Michigan Shakespeare Festival, the Ark, and the State Street Area Association – producer of one of the three annual Ann Arbor Art Fairs.