Coleen Kelly Mast, M.S., D.H.L., hosts Mast Appeal, on Ave Maria Radio. She is an enthusiastic speaker on family life topics, Catholic issues, motivation and inspiration. Mast received an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters from Quincy University, a Masters Degree in Health Education, and Secondary teaching certificates in four specialty fields: Theology, Health, Physical Education and Science. She has taught at the elementary, junior high and high school levels, as well as in religious education and adult education programs. She is married, the mother of five, and lives in Illinois.
Mast has written three programs on chastity and abstinence for parents, students and teachers; “Love and Life” and “Growing Up with Health and Virtue” for Catholics, and “Sex Respect: The Option of True Sexual Freedom” which was the first abstinence program for public schools approved by the US government. Mast’s programs have been sold in 23 countries and all 50 states. Mast has trained teachers, clergy and social workers in many cities throughout the world including Rome, Mexico City, Manila, and Hong Kong.
She has appeared on Oprah, Geraldo, Mother Angelica Live, 60 Minutes, Steubenville High School Youth Conferences and was interviewed by Ed Bradley for the show “60 Minutes”. Mast has debated the Presidents of SEICUS and Planned Parenthood on television, and debated ACLU representatives on public radio.
Mast assisted with the writing of the USCC Bishops 1990 document on Human Sexuality Education, and in 1997, Mast was invited to Rome by the Pontifical Council for the Family to present her programs and participate in an in-depth study of “Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality” document when it was released. In June of 2011, she was appointed to serve a four year term on the United States Council of Catholic Bishops National Review Board.
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