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Kresta in the Afternoon – September 2, 2022 – Hour 2

The late Rodney Stark, who died this summer, was a strong proponent of the belief that religion is beneficial to all in society. We look back on a conversation explaining why.

How Religion benefits everyone – Including Atheists

Rodney Stark was a groundbreaking sociologist of religion who passed away this summer. Through his books and numerous appearance and Kresta in the Afternoon, he argued against the lie that the world would be better off without religion and showed that Christianity has been beneficial to all, including nonbelievers. We look back on that discussion.

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Died: Rodney Stark, Sociologist Who Said Religion Is a Rational Choice

Rodney Stark was a sociologist of religion and longtime professor at the University of Washington. At the time of his death he was a Professor of the Social Sciences at Baylor University, where he co-directed the Institute for Studies of Religion. He was the author of more than 30 books, including The Rise of Christianity, The Triumph of Faith: Why the World is More Religious than Ever, and How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity. He died in July at the age of 88.

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