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Kresta in the Afternoon – October 19, 2023 – Hour 2

Noah Bradon joins guest host Gary Michuta with a Convert’s Three-Step Guide to Embracing Mary.


Tips for Evangelization

Bryan Mercier of The Catholic Truth joins us with tips for more effective evangelization.

Links for this Segment

Bryan’s website 

Bryan Mercier is an professional Catholic speaker, retreat leader, apologist, author, and the founder and president of Catholic Truth, a ministry dedicated to proclaiming the truth of Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith.

A Convert’s Three-Step Guide to Embracing Mary

The role of Mary reflects not only an inversion of what is commonly considered honorable but an extension of the profound grace we can access in Christ and through His Holy Sacraments. In the most meaningful way possible, her narrative reveals the very nature of God’s work in this world. We talk more with Noah Bradon.

Links for this Segment

Noah’s website 

Noah Bradon is a former Presbyterian who became Catholic at the culmination of a 13-year search for the fullness of Truth. Passionate about metaphysics and relational apologetics, Noah loves to instigate meaningful conversations. He is a graduate student at the University of Notre Dame, specializing in theology and moral philosophy. Noah lives in the Atlanta area with his wife Carrie, their children and two dogs.
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