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Kresta in the Afternoon – October 11, 2023 – Hour 1

Guest host Marcus Peter and William Doino discuss the life of St. John XXIII and Edmund Miller shares more stories from his years as a sidewalk counselor. You can join him and Al for a special gala this weekend!


Pope John XXIII, Conserver of Tradition

Blessed John XXIII is one of the most beloved popes in all of history” and quite possibly the most misunderstood. We celebrate his feast with William Doino.

Links for this Segment

Pope John XXIII, Conserver of Tradition 

Traditionalists need not fear Vatican II 

John XXIII’s Prophetic Encyclical 

William Doino Jr. is a contributor to Inside the Vatican magazine, among many other publications, and writes often about religion, history and politics. He contributed an extensive bibliography of works on Pius XII to The Pius War: Responses to the Critics of Pius XII .

An Evening with Al Kresta

For more than 20 years the Guadalupe workers have been present in front of local abortion clinics, offering support for mothers who make the courageous decision to turn away. They join us to talk about their work and an upcoming Gala where Al will be speaking.

Links for this Segment

Guadalupe Workers website

Alicia Wong and Edmund Miller are the co-founders of Guadalupe Workers. Visit
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