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Kresta in the Afternoon – October 10, 2023 – Hour 2

We talk with Leonard DeLorenzo about the questions God asks of us and Ian Hutchinson shares why he, as a scientist, believes in miracles. 


A God Who Questions

Throughout Scriptures, God asks us Questions. “Where are you?” “Do you want to be healed?” “Whom do you seek?” and of course the ever-important “Who do you say that I am?” Leonard DeLorenzo join us to examine the questions Jesus poses to us and how they reveal the hidden secrets of our hearts.

Links for this Segment

100 Questions Jesus Asked and You Should Answer

Leonard J. DeLorenzo teaches theology at the University of Notre Dame, where he directs Undergraduate Studies for the McGrath Institute for Church Life. He's the author of "What Matters Most: Empowering Young Catholics for Life's Big Decisions," "Witness: Learning to Tell the Stories of Grace that Illumine Our Lives," and "Work of Love."

Finding Hope and Healing in Suffering

“How can someone as smart as you believe in something like that?” Most scientists today who are public about their faith in Christ have faced a question along those lines. Ian Hutchinson still remembers when a fellow MIT professors asked him many years ago. The answer is crucial, and it isn’t restricted to just scientists. He joins us with more. 

Links for this segment

Does the Church Oppose Science?

Science Is Great, but It’s Not Always Enough

How Christianity Kick-Started Modern Science

Without Religion, Science Can Become False and Idolatrous

Ian Hutchinson is a Professor of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT. His plasma experiments, hotter than the center of the sun, support the quest for fusion energy. In addition to two text books and more than 200 scientific journal articles, he authored “Monopolizing knowledge” a repudiation of scientism, and most recently “Can a scientist believe in miracles?”
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