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Kresta in the Afternoon – October 7, 2022 – Hour 2

We celebrate the feast of St John Henry Newman with Fr Juan Velez. 



The Life of St John Henry Newman

October has some outstanding feast days, including October 9 – the Feast of John Henry Newman. Newman was the founder of the Oxford Movement and one of the most profound thinkers of his time. We get to know him with Fr. Juan Velez


Links for this Segment 

Is Academic freedom possible?

Newman’s assent of Faith

Newman’s Reluctant Prayer for Christian Unity

Fr Juan Velez is the author of several books on St Newman, including "Passion for Truth: The Life of John Henry Newman" and Holiness in a Secular Age: The Witness of Cardinal Newman. He is a priest of Opus Dei and former physician working in Miami, Visit and follow him on Twitter @juanrvelez.
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