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Kresta in the Afternoon – November 21, 2022 – Hour 2

Being a disciple of Jesus is an adventure – Daniel Keating explains why. 


The Adventure of Discipleship

Jesus instructed his followers to drop everything, take up their cross and follow him. Such a task is not easy and it is often marked with hardship, but it’s also an adventure. We look at this adventure of discipleship through the lenses of the great adventures of fiction as we discuss responding to the call of discipleship with Daniel Keating.

Daniel Keating is Professor of Theology at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Michigan, where he teaches on Scripture, the Church Fathers, Ecumenism, and the New Evangelization. He's the author of many books, most recently The Adventure of Discipleship, as well as Deification and Grace and Athanasius and His Legacy. Dr. Keating has been involved in student ministry for over thirty years and regularly lectures to students in the United States and Europe. He has also served as a theological consultant for the Doctrine Committee of the USCCB and is a Catholic participant in the national Catholic-Evangelical dialogue.
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