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Kresta in the Afternoon – May 17, 2024 – Hour 2

Guest Host Matthew Bunson and Shannon Mullen discuss Pope Francis’ recent comments about conservative critics, new Vatican guidelines on apparitions, and more.


Court says Maryland parents have no right to opt out of LGBTQ curriculum

A federal appeals court ruled this week that parents in Maryland have no right to be informed when their children are being instructed with LGBTQ materials or to opt their children out of that instruction.

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Court says Maryland parents have no right to opt out of LGBTQ curriculum


Andrea Picciotti-Bayer is a legal analyst for EWTN News. She also directs the Conscience Project. Follow her on Twitter @bayerpicciotti and visit

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Pope Francis says conservative critics have a ‘suicidal attitude’

In an interview with “60 Minutes” airing this Sunday, Pope Francis takes aim at his “conservative critics” in the United States, reportedly saying a conservative is someone who “clings to something and does not want to see beyond that.” Shannon Mullen takes a look at this and other Church news.

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Court says Maryland parents have no right to opt out of LGBTQ curriculum

Synodal Way Isn’t Answer to Germany’s ‘Mission Country’ Status, Evangelization Leaders Say

Pope Francis says conservative critics have a ‘suicidal attitude’

Fernández: Vatican’s new apparitions guidelines stress ‘caution’ in discernment process

New norms give Vatican greater say on alleged apparitions

Harrison Butker supported by Kansas City bishop, prominent Catholics amid speech backlash

Shannon Mullen is the Editor-in-Chief of CNA. He previously worked as a features writer, investigative reporter, and editor with the Asbury Park (N.J.) Press. He has received numerous national reporting awards and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize.

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