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Kresta in the Afternoon – March 5, 2024 – Hour 1

Fr. Tom Morrow joins us with advice for overcoming Satan’s attacks.


A God who Questions

Throughout Scriptures, God asks us Questions. “Where are you?” “Do you want to be healed?” “Whom do you seek?” and of course the ever-important “Who do you say that I am?” Leonard DeLorenzo join us to examine the questions Jesus poses to us and how they reveal the hidden secrets of our hearts.

Leonard J. DeLorenzo teaches theology at the University of Notre Dame, where he directs Undergraduate Studies for the McGrath Institute for Church Life. He's the author of "What Matters Most: Empowering Young Catholics for Life's Big Decisions," "Witness: Learning to Tell the Stories of Grace that Illumine Our Lives," and "Work of Love."

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Understand - and Overcome - Satan's Attacks

Satan is constantly at work disturbing our peace, corrupting our thoughts, demoralizing us in our weaknesses, and diverting our attention away from God. His goal: to paralyze our spiritual efforts and mire us in a life of sin. How can we overcome these sinful thoughts? Fr. Thomas Morrow joins us.

Fr Thomas Morrow is the author of several books, most recently Overcoming Sinful Thoughts. He's co-founder of the St. Catherine Society, for single women seeking spiritual growth, and the St. Lawrence Society, the male counterpart to the St. Catherine Society. He has appeared as a guest on Mother Angelica Live and his articles can be found in Homiletics and Pastoral Review, Our Sunday Visitor and other sites. Fr. Morrow is currently retired and resides at St. Raphael Catholic Church in Rockville, MD.

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