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Kresta in the Afternoon – March 11, 2024 – Hour 1

Guest Host Marcus Peter talks with Robert Kennedy about George Orwell and the meaning of equity. We also talk with Heather Gardner about an upcoming pro-life rally in Ann Arbor.


40 Days for Life national leader brings message of ‘the beginning of the end of abortion’ to Ann Arbor

40 Days for Life will host a Closing Rally and Jericho March at the Ann Arbor Planned Parenthood on Palm Sunday. Keynote speaker Heather Gardner joins us.

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40 Days for Life 

Heather Gardner director of 365 Campaign Advancement for 40 Days for Life. She always considered herself pro-life but never knew there were people who prayed outside abortion facilities until she became a student at Texas A&M University and was invited to attend a prayer vigil. The vigil was held outside the local abortion facility by the Brazos Valley Coalition for Life in Bryan, Texas—the birthplace of 40 Days for Life and where former Planned Parenthood director Abby Johnson was converted. She got increasingly involved and eventually served on staff as the director of communications for the Brazos Valley Coalition for Life. Later, Heather served as executive director of the Central Texas Coalition for Life in Austin. Over the last decade, Heather has trained thousands of volunteers locally, nationally, and internationally to be sidewalk advocates and pregnancy center client advocates. In 2019 she even had a cameo in the major motion picture Unplanned, based on the book by the same title.

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What can “Equity” be?

In a 1946 essay, George Orwell criticized the “ugly and inaccurate” state of the English language, and observed that the decline would have political consequences. Words matter, and when they lost their meaning we lose our ability to communicate. We see this in our current debates on the meaning of equity. We’ll talk more about it with Dr. Robert Kennedy.  

Dr. Robert Kennedy is professor of Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota.

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