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Kresta in the Afternoon – March 22, 2023 – Hour 1

We talk with Joe Jordano about not being “averse to adversity” and Steve Gleason shares his journey back to the Catholic Church.


Averse to Avoidance

In John Chapter 16, Jesus tells us “in the world, you will have trouble, but take courage for I have conquered the world.” Though this can be hard to put into practice, relying on Jesus to strengthen us after a fall is an essential part of the Christian experience. We are not called to be “Averse to Adversity.”  We’ll be discussing this on March 25 at our annual Familiaris Consortio conference. Joe Jordano has more.

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Joe Jordano is the President of FGR High School

How Catholic Radio Brought Me Back

Stephen Gleason was baptized Catholic as a baby, and grew up going to Catholic schools and being an altar server in the years leading up to Vatican II.  In his teens, he began to drift away from the practice of his faith, and surfing became the most important thing in his life, until he had a series of providential experiences that turned his heart toward Jesus. He began to be involved in Protestant Bible studies, and began to pursue a call to ministry as a nondenominational pastor, even planting his own church. However, when he discovered Catholic radio, some of those seeds that had been planted in his youth began to bear fruit, and he was drawn back to his Catholic faith.

Steve Gleason is a revert to Catholicism who began his journey after listening to Catholic radio. He lives in Texas.
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