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Kresta in the Afternoon – June 28, 2024 – Hour 2

The candidates on stage at the first presidential debate failed to provide many satisfactory answers. We re-examine the questions from a Catholic perspective. 


A Catholic View of the first Presidential Debate

There was a recurring theme we noticed in Thursday night’s debate – Donald Trump and Joe Biden frequently failed to address the question they had been asked. Marcus and his producer Bryant Schoenle walk back through debate as Marcus provides Catholic-based responses to the moderator’s questions.

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Profiles in Courage: Exceptional Christian Entrepreneurs

Rev. Charlie Self shares the stories of global entrepreneurs in the 19th-21st centuries that found economic and social success rooted in virtue in the most challenging historical circumstances. 

Dr. Charlie Self is an author, adviser, pastor and professor with more than 40 years of experience connecting Faith and the Common Good. He is the author of several works including Flourishing Churches and Communities (published by Acton) and his new co-authored work, Life in 5-D: A New Vision of Wholeness. He is the visiting professor of church history at the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary. Visit him at

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