Kresta in the Afternoon – June 15, 2023 – Hour 2
Guest Host Marcus Peter joins Monica Miller, who shares becoming a criminal for the Gospel of Life, and Dr. Matthew Ramage looks at Catholicism, creation and evolution.
Criminals for the Gospel of Life
What does it mean for pro-lifers to be in jail? In this Culture of Death—in the morally upside-down world, jailed pro-lifers have placed themselves on the side of an unwanted, outcast people. Monica Miller joins us.
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Catholicism, Creation and Evolution
The claim that evolution undermines Christianity is standard fare in our culture. Indeed, many today have the impression that the two are mutually exclusive and that a choice must be made between faith and reason―rejecting Christianity on the one hand or evolutionary theory on the other. Is there a way to square advances in this field of study with the Bible and Church teaching? Dr. Matthew Ramage joins us.