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Kresta in the Afternoon – July 5, 2024 – Hour 1

Marcus shares some thoughts on how God sees our suffering and David Fagerberg discusses desiring to desire God. 


Marcus Commentary: God Sees your Suffering

Christians throughout the ages have engaged the problem of Suffering. Why would a loving God allow us to suffer? Marcus examines the issue through the writings of CS Lewis.

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Desiring to Desire God

Have you ever found yourself struggling to pray? Or even with wanting to pray? This “wanting to want to pray” is the first touch by God, because even desiring to desire can be an expression of love. David Fagerberg joins us with more.

David Fagerberg is a professor emeritus of liturgical studies in the department of theology at the University of Notre Dame.. He’s the author of several books including Liturgical Mysticism and Liturgical Dogmatics.

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