Kresta in the Afternoon – July 28, 2023 – Hour 1
What does the Church actually say about Indulgences? We look at the history and theology with Mary Moorman, and discuss the Pearl of Great Price with Peggy Stanton.
Indulgences and the Church's Covenant with Christ
Luther’s 95 Theses is known for its attack on the Church’s practice of indulgences. Now, Mary Moorman argues that the theology Luther practiced actually validated the logic of indulgences and that, taken in proper context, indulgences are an incredible witness to the Church’s covenant with Christ. She joins us with more and also shares the story of her own personal conversion.
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The Pearl of Great Price
In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus continues His discourse on the Kingdom of Heaven, likening it to the merchant who sells all he owns to buy the pearl of great price, or the person who sells all their possessions to buy a field containing a buried treasure. Peggy Stanton helps us unpack it.

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