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Kresta in the Afternoon – July 15, 2022 – Hour 1

Guest host Marcus Peter discusses the Theology of the Body and the Church’s teaching on Contraception with Dr. Nathan Schlueter, and Peggy Stanton examines what this week’s Gospel about Martha and Mary can teach us about Prayer.

The Theology of the Body and Contraception

Why does the Church teach that contraception is wrong? We discuss the Theology of the Body with Dr. Nathan Schlueter.  

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Countering Contraception

What is happening at the Pontifical Academy for Life?

What #MeToo and Hooking Up Teach Us About The Meaning of Sex

Humanae Vitae: Who Is Out of Touch?

Paul VI, John Paul II and Humanae Vitae

Nathan Schlueter is professor of philosophy and religion at Hillsdale College.

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What does this Sunday’s Gospel teach us about Prayer?   

In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear the story of when Jesus visited Martha and Mary. Peggy Stanton opens up the Scriptures and the Catechism to examine what this story can tell us about contemplative prayer.

Peggy Stanton is a Dame of the Order of Malta. She was ABC News’ first female Washington correspondent. She has hosted many programs on Ave Maria Radio including the Malta Minute with the Catechism.

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