Kresta in the Afternoon – July 12, 2023 – Hour 1
Mark Regnerus looks at the rise in LGBT identification among the younger generations, and Al has some thoughts on how Rachael Denhollander reacted to Larry Nassar’s stabbing. Also, the Good News Cruise’s Chris Martin shares what happened when he asked God to do big things.
Kresta Comments: Rachael Denhollander’s Christian Witness
Larry Nassar, the infamous doctor who sexually abused more than 200 female gymnasts, was stabbed in federal prison on Sunday. Upon hearing the news, most people’s immediate reaction was “good riddance, you monster.” Rachael Denhollander, the first woman to publicly accuse him of abuse, had a different reaction that reflects her deeply-held Christian faith. Al takes a closer look.
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Abuse Survivor Rachael Denhollander Urges Followers Not To Rejoice Over Larry Nassar Stabbing
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What the Surge in LGBTQ Self-Identity Means
Data from the General Social Survey finds that the share of LGBTQ Americans under the age of 30 has risen from 4.8 percent in 2010 to 16.3 percent today. But rates of non-heterosexual behavioral experience have not risen nearly as sharply. Sexual behavior once comprised the key distinction to homosexuality – is that no longer the case? Mark Regnerus joins us.
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What Happens when we ask God for Big Things?
In the Old Testament, we read of the time Joshua asked God to let the Sun stand still in the sky. That’s the attitude that the Rome Boys have taken – asking God to do great things, and letting Him guide their work. Chris Martin joins us with more – you can meet him on the Good News Cruise.
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