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Kresta in the Afternoon – July 11, 2024 – Hour 1

In this penultimate edition of Kresta in the Afternoon, Peggy Stanton looks ahead to the Sunday Gospel and Monica Miller updates us on a failed pro-abortion bill in the Senate. 


Marcus Commentary: How St Benedict Saved Western Civilization

Marcus reflects on the Feast of St Benedict

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Senate Republicans Block Democrat Bill for Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

Senate Republicans have blocked legislation to push abortions up to birth nationwide. Monica Miller has the details.

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Senate Republicans Block Democrat Bill for Abortions Up to Birth Nationwide

Dr Monica Miller is the Director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society and the author of many books including "The Authority of Women in the Catholic Church," “Abandoned: The Untold Story of the Abortion Wars” and “Theology of the Passion of the Christ" Check out

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Jesus Sends Out the Apostles

In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus sends out the apostles two by two, instructing them to preach, heal the sick, and cast out unclean spirits. Peggy Stanton helps us prepare for the Sunday reading.


Peggy Stanton is the author of From the White House to the White Cross. She's a Dame of the Order of Malta. She was ABC News’ first female Washington correspondent. She has hosted many programs on Ave Maria Radio including the Malta Minute with the Catechism. Her first book was The Daniel Dilemma: The Moral Man in the Public Arena.

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