Kresta in the Afternoon – July 1, 2024 – Hour 2
We share more interviews from Acton University, talking anti-human ideologies with Jay Richards.
Liberty, Catholics and the American Republic
American Catholics traditionally do not advocate for authoritarian or “integralist” approaches to politics. Rather, they have advocated for a Catholic interpretation of American constitutional republicanism. The two most important twentieth-century figures in conceptualizing this interpretation were Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and Fr. John Courtney Murray. Despite writing nearly a century ago, their ideas are newly relevant given the current political context for people of faith in America and more broadly. James Patterson has more.
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Anti-Human Ideologies
Three ascendant ideologies distort the truth about human nature, and in the process, become deeply anti-human. All result from failing to capture the fully material and fully spiritual nature of man. Transgenderism and Transhumanism abandon the body. Deep ecology reduces man to a (merely material animal). We analyze these ideologies with Jay Richards.
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