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Kresta in the Afternoon – July 1, 2024 – Hour 2

We share more interviews from Acton University, talking anti-human ideologies with Jay Richards. 


Liberty, Catholics and the American Republic

American Catholics traditionally do not advocate for authoritarian or “integralist” approaches to politics. Rather, they have advocated for a Catholic interpretation of American constitutional republicanism. The two most important twentieth-century figures in conceptualizing this interpretation were Ven. Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen and Fr. John Courtney Murray. Despite writing nearly a century ago, their ideas are newly relevant given the current political context for people of faith in America and more broadly. James Patterson has more.

James Patterson is Associate Professor of Politics at Ave Maria University, where he also Chairs the Politics Department. He's the author of Religion in the Public Square: Sheen, King Falwell

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Anti-Human Ideologies

Three ascendant ideologies distort the truth about human nature, and in the process, become deeply anti-human. All result from failing to capture the fully material and fully spiritual nature of man. Transgenderism and Transhumanism abandon the body. Deep ecology reduces man to a (merely material animal). We analyze these ideologies with Jay Richards.


Jay Richards, Ph.D., O.P., is the author of many books, including East, Fast, Feast: Heal Your Body While Feeding Your Soul - A Christian Guide to Fasting. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Religion and Civil Society. He’s also a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute.

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