Kresta in the Afternoon – January 31, 2024 – Hour 2
Guest host Patricia Oedy-Murray and Michael New discuss an upcoming abortion battle at the Supreme Court, and Carl Trueman looks at the issue of Christians attending same-sex weddings.
Patricia Oedy-Murray is the host of the Virtuous Life on Annunciation Radio. Click Here to learn more about her work.
Should Christians Attend Gay Weddings?
The sexual revolution has revolutionized everything, to the point where questions that once had simple answers have become complicated. For instance, the question “Can I attend a gay wedding?” comes up with increasing frequency and is proving less and less easy to answer. Carl Trueman helps us work it out.
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The Church Is Not Ruled by a Plebiscite
In his letter to the Corinthians, St Paul rebuked those who would declare that they were for Paul, or Apollos, or Christ, because all were united in the Gospel. We face the same problem in our Church today, with some of the faithful declaring themselves to be a “John Paul II” or “Pope Francis Catholic.” But Christ cannot de divided from Himself. Pat discusses.
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U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Major Abortion Pill Case in March
The U.S. Supreme Court announced Monday that oral arguments in a high-stakes abortion pill case will be heard on March 26. Michael New has the details.
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U.S. Supreme Court to Hear Major Abortion Pill Case in March
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