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Kresta in the Afternoon – January 12, 2024 – Hour 2

Guest Host Matthew Bunson and Deacon David Delaney examine John Paul II’s response to the Crisis of the Human Person.


A crisis of the human person: St John Paul II’s remedy

The current relationship crisis is first a spiritual crisis. Only spiritual beings can have relationships, which are rooted in the spiritual faculties. What would John Paul II suggest for curing this crisis? We talk with Deacon David Delaney.

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A crisis of the human person: St John Paul II’s remedy

Deacon David H. Delaney, PhD is Director and Senior Fellow at Mother of the Americas Institute. He is incardinated in the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter. He is the author of Viri Dignitatem: Personhood, Masculinity, and Fatherhood in the Thought of John Paul II.

St. Hilary of Poitiers Nourished His Flock with Truth

Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of St Hilary of Poitiers, a fourth-century bishop and Doctor of the Church. We get to know him with Mike Aquilina.

Mike Aquilina is the author of several books about the Early Church, including The Eucharist Foretold: The Lost Prophecy of Malachi and How the Fathers Read the Bible: Scripture, Liturgy and the Early Church. He's executive vice-president of the St Paul Center and a contributing editor to Angelus News. He has hosted eleven series on EWTN and is a regular guest on many EWTN programs.

Oregon Mother Appeals Court Ruling in Religious Discrimination Adoption Case

An Oregon woman was denied the opportunity to adopt a child because she refused to express support for gender ideology and homosexuality, and filed a federal lawsuit. A district court ruled against her in November, and she has appealed. Andrea Picciotti-Bayer has the details.

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Oregon Mother Appeals Court Ruling in Religious Discrimination Adoption Case

Scottish government proposes ‘conversion practices’ ban

Andrea Picciotti-Bayer is a legal analyst for EWTN News. She also directs the Conscience Project. Follow her on Twitter @bayerpicciotti and visit
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