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Kresta in the Afternoon – January 24, 2023 – Hour 2

Why do only 15% of Catholic kids remain faithful through adulthood? We talk with Dr. Greg Popcak, and Jill Fehleison celebrates the Feast of St Francis de Sales. 


Why do so few Catholic kids become Catholic adults?

The Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate recently analyzed data from the National Opinion Research Center and found that only about 15% of kids who were raised in Catholic households grow up to be faithful Catholic adults. Why do so many kids who grew up going to Mass and praying before meals abandon these practices? What can parents do? Dr. Greg Popcak joins us.

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Catholic Households On Mission

Dr Greg Popcak is the founder and director of, a group pastoral telecounseling practice providing faithful help to Catholics dealing with personal, emotoinal and relationship problems. Together with his wife, Lisa, he is the author of over 20 books integrating insights from counseling psychology and the timeless wisdom of our Catholic faith. They are also the developers of the CatholicHOM app, a resource helping Catholic families thrive. Dr. Greg and Lisa are the hosts of More2Life, a call in advice program airing weekdays at 10am E and produced by Ave Maria Radio and carried across the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network.

Francis de Sales: A Saint at the Crossroads of the Reformation

In many ways St Francis de Sales was the embodiment of the Catholic reformation. Born into a noble family, he was expected to study law and inherit the family estate. Instead, he decided to go into the world as an evangelist and win converts from Calvinist Geneva. We look at his reforms for clergy and laity with Jill Fehleison.

Links for this Segment

The Holy and Wise St. Francis de Sales Has Some Advice to Help You Become a Saint

St. Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor, Pray For Us

St. Francis de Sales: Love for a loveless age

Jill Fehleison is a professor of history at Qunnipiac University and the author of Boundaries of Faith: Catholics and Protestants in the Diocese of Geneva
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