Kresta in the Afternoon – January 18, 2023 – Hour 2
Guest Host Matthew Bunson and Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers discuss the mission of the diaconate and Fr. Tad Pacholczyk has tips for caring for people with dementia.
Seeking the Spiritual Side of Dementia
As we get older, many of us will have to watch parents, siblings and other loved ones suffer through the stages of dementia. We may even experience it ourselves. This can lead to spiritual temptations. The prospect of losing autonomy and control can lead some to despair and even attempt suicide. What can we say about the meaning of a life-changing reality like dementia for ourselves and our loved ones? Could it be that God is seeking to carry out a particular spiritual work? We talk with Fr. Tad Pacholczyk.
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Experts Speak Out Against Gender Reassignment in ‘Dysconnected’
Daisy Strongin began identifying as a transgender male in her early teens and, like so many other young girls, was told that she needed to permanently alter her body. As such, she took testosterone for years, which permanently altered her voice, and had a double mastectomy, which she almost immediately regretted. Now detransitioned, Daisy is telling her heartbreaking yet hopeful story in the new film, Dysconnected: The Real Story Behind the Transgender Explosion. Director Don Johnson joins us.
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The Mission of the Diaconate
Much has been said about the kind of priests we need in these challenging times. But we can’t forget the role of our deacons. What does the Church say about the purpose of the diaconate ministry? And what kinds of strategies can we develop to support our deacons? We talk with Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers.