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Kresta in the Afternoon – January 14, 2022 – Hour 2

Guest Host Gary Michuta and Mike Aquilina discuss the power of the Incarnation and Trent Horn examines mistakes we make with apologetics.

The Top Three Mistakes we Make with Apologetics  

Have you ever wanted to defend your faith, but were worried you would make mistakes that would work against you? What are the biggest mistakes we make when we try to share Jesus? Trent Horn joins us.

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Top Three Apologetics Mistakes!

Trent Horn is the author of several books, including Answering Atheism and  Why We’re Catholic. He’s a staff apologist for Catholic Answers and a regular host for Catholic Answers Live.

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The Incarnation: A Revolution for the Ancient World

The Incarnation is the epicenter of a transformative explosion that swept through the cold and barbaric ancient world, spawning new revolutions of thought and practice that lifted humanity to new heights. Just how dynamic was this change? We talk with Mike Aquilina.

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The Incarnation: A Revolution for the Ancient World

Mike Aquilina is the author of more than fifty books, including the best-selling The Fathers of the Church: An Introduction to the First Christian Teachers; The Mass of the Early Christians; and How the Choir Converted the World: Through Hymns, With Hymns, In Hymns. His reviews, essays, and journalism have appeared in First Things, Touchstone, National Catholic Register, and elsewhere. Visit

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